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M.A. Voorhout MSc

is a senior manager at KPMG Data and Analytics. She has been involved in many international data management projects. She has a background in trusted data analytics, master data management, data quality, as well as enterprise content management, and focuses primarily on data-related issues regarding regulatory compliance within various sectors.

Articles and contributions

IoTT: Internet of Trusted Things?

December 2018 - The value of trust in data and information has increased with the adoption of new technologies such as the Internet...

Is data the new oil for insurers like VIVAT?

December 2018 - It has often been stated: data is the new oil ([ECON17]). In one perspective, this may be true: the potential...

Trusted analytics is more than trust in algorithms and data quality

September 2018 - Trusting data for analytics provides challenges and opportunities for organizations. Companies are addressing data quality within source systems, but most...

Data Management through the value chain

March 2017 - Organizations experience an increasing demand for high quality data due to a rise in analysis techniques and the availability of...

Master Data Management: “From frustration to a comprehensive approach”

July 2013 - Over the last few years, businesses have further extended their ERP activities from process optimization to master data management. The...